Logotype- (logo) a graphic mark or emblem commonly used by commercial enterprises, organizations, and individuals to aid and promote instant public recognition.
-languages such as hieroglyphics have helped define logos
-the photography and lithography boom in the 18th and 19th centuries led to an advertising boom which led to logos
-the use and need kept expanding due to the advertising increase for everyone regardless of class
-books were becoming more popular and the printing expenses were decreasing due to the printing press
and each book needed a different font; a different signature
-Modernism paved the way for early graphic designers to take ahold of the advertising boom
Modernist-inspired logos proved successful in the area of visual communication ushered in by t.v, improvements in printing technology, and digital innovations
-logos have to be memorable yet simplistic while still conveying the message
Principles of Logos
-simplicity is key
-timeless-still effective after 10/15 years
-versatile-work on billboards, tv, papers, coffee mugs
-will it look good in black and white? reverse color?
-is it appropriate for the intended audience?
4 color process-technique for printing with full color. All colors mix to include full color spectrum
Spot color-method of specifying and printing colors in which each color is printed with its own ink. It's (cost) effective when using up to 3 colors only, more colors, more expensive
-pantone matching system-different colors available for different spot printing
-color can convey different emotions, choose correct color scheme for intended audience
-new companies tend to follow the trends
Combination Mark
-are graphics with artwork and text (usually the company name)
-integrate the two to look appropriate
-instantly recognizable
-clarity when reproduced
Word Mark
-all about typography
-only use company name abbreviated or full name (only text)
-utilize contrast