"Hieroglyphics and the Egyptians | 3,000 BC"
In the sixth century BC, what three civilizations invaded Egypt?
What was discovered on the inside of the temples?
- carved and painted images
Scholars believe that Ancient Egyptians were inspired and influenced by which written language?
What is the difference between logographic and alphabetic elements?
- logographic-visual symbols representing ideas or objects
- alphabetic-document writing
The term Hieroglyphic derived from what two Greek words?
- hiero means sacred
- glyphic means engraving or writing
What is a scribe?
- people who went to school to read and write
Who else was trained to read and write? Why?
- military soldiers
- for communication during war
What is papyrus and how was it made?
- substrate made from reeds
What is a substrate?
- wet reeds crisscrossed, then dried to form a paper-like substance
What were the Books of the Dead?
- instructions to the after-life for pharaohs and important people
How did Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics become a forgotten language?
- Roman Emperor Theodosius I closed all temples but Christian temples
What is the Rosetta Stone? Where was it discovered? - a clay tablet with inscriptions in 3 different languages for many people to understand
What three languages are included on the stone?
- Greek, Demotic, and Egyptian Hieroglyphics
Why couldn't the text on the Stone be deciphered?
- a chunk of the stone was missing and the other languages were incomplete
Who finally deciphered the text? What was his breakthrough?
- Jean Francois Champollion
- he was able to match the Greek with the Heiroglyphics
Why does the interpretation of the Rosetta Stone have such significance?
- We know much more than before without the Rosetta Stone about Ancient Egyptian life
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